Natural Herbs For Muscle Building

Natural Herbs For Muscle Building

Natural Herbs For Muscle Building

Supplements have just added a bonus to your muscle building progress. Out here we are going to mention someĀ natural bodybuilding supplements. Yes, there are some herbs that have the same benefit as manufactured bodybuilding supplements.


If you are a hardcore bodybuilder than you know that muscle cramps are part of the growth process. Sometimes you could also be suffering some inflammation and pain. FeverFew can be said as a natural supplement. It relieves muscle cramps. Feverfew can be taken as a tablet or it can also be taken as a tincture. The recommended dosage is one cup of water every day with one teaspoon of dried FeverFew per cup.

Kola Nut

Kola nut is the same type of stimulant as caffeine. However, kola nut is a much stronger one. The usage of kola nut should be limited to a maximum of 1 gm per day.


Turmeric is a widely popular herb used for centuries in the medical field. In countries like India, it is a part of the normal diet. Turmeric is especially useful for inflammation. You can take up to four hundred milligrams three times each day. Turmeric also alleviates muscle pain and soreness.


Ciwujia is a herb that finds a lot of mention in Chinese herbs. Ciwujia is particularly helpful as it increases oxygenation in heart muscles. This increases the performance during workouts. Another big advantage is that it increases fat metabolism, as opposed to carbohydrate metabolism. The increase could be up to fifty percent. Ciwujia also reduces muscle fatigue.

Garcinia Cambogia

This is another contribution from Indian Medicine. It is a citrus fruit that contains hydrocitric acid, which burns fat, but does not lessen the protein or muscle mass in the body. Extract from this herbs is a common ingredient in various herbal appetite suppressant and energy products.